Kiddsbay: Interview with Cassie Gee
CelebrityKind: Cassie Swirls: The 6-Year-Old Painting a Better World
Hypeness: Uma menina de 5 anos está chamando a atenção por suas pinturas dignas das paredes de uma galeria
Real Metro: ศิลปินน้อยอายุ 5 ขวบ กำลังระดมทุนช่วยเหลือเด็กที่อดอยากในแอฟริกา
FAPORBAZ: আফ্রিকার ক্ষুধার্ত শিশুদের খাবার কেনার জন্য পাঁচ বছরের বালিকা ছবি আঁকছে!
Kiddsbay: Meet a Kiddsbay Kid – CassieSwirls!
LISTVERSE: 10 Acts Of Astonishing Charity Performed By Ordinary People
Edgy Minds: 5-Year-Old Girl Sells Her Paintings to Raise Funds for Kids in Africa
ChildFund Australia: Cassie paints picture of how to help children in need in Africa
The Little Martians: Martian of the Week
Pulptastic: This 5-year-old artist makes paintings that belong in a gallery
Biz4Good Show: Ep27 Paint the Universe with Love (pink, purple, red, & yellow)
중앙일보 (joongangilbo): [영상뉴스] "기부하는 다섯짤 º▼º"
INDEXMAME: Iznenadit ćete se kome ova klinka uplaćuje novac od svojih prekrasnih slika
Now This: Meet the 5-year-old artist who donates her masterpieces' proceeds to charity
Kinderling Kids Radio: Meet the pint-sized artist taking the internet by storm
Action: This 5-year-old girl makes paintings for charity
Neatorama: These Incredible Galaxy Paintings Were Created By A 5-Year-Old
HuffPost: Five-Year-Old ‘CassieSwirls’ Sells Her Incredible Paintings And Donates Money Earned To Charities
KEBLOG: Ha solo 4 anni e dipinge quadri incredibili
Galileu: Garotinha de 5 anos doa US$ 750 para caridade com pinturas de galáxias
HK Apple: 5歲天才華裔小畫家 已賣出百幅作品不忘做善事
INQPOP!: This lil’ Picasso is causing big swirls with her paintings
India Times: Meet The Selfless 5-Year-Old Who Has Donated Over $750 To Charity By Painting Galaxies
Bored Panda: 5-Year-Old Has Donated Over $750 To Charity By Painting Galaxies 3-летняя девочка рисует удивительные, красочные картины
Mum Central: Move Over Monet. The Story of the Pint Sized Painter
Artsplorers: Artsplorers Meet 4 Year Old Painter, Cassie from Cassie Swirls
Matusfun: 3-Year-Old Little Girl Creates Paintings Of Galaxies Using Paint, Glitter And A Fork
That's Life: A pint-sized Picasso
Riot Stores: Cassie the 4 year old flow artist!
Trendfrenzy: 3-Year-Old Girl Creates Galaxy Paintings Using Paint, Glitter And A Common Utensil
19 May 2016 That's Life Magazine: Our Pint-sized Picasso
Abang Brian: Kanak-Kanak 3 Tahun Ini Melukis Galaksi Menggunakan Garfu!
Bloombox CO: Magic Happens
1 May 2016 Weekend Sunrise: Pint-sized Painter
29 April 2016 Today Extra: Painting Prodigy
White Lane Creative: Cassie Swirls, Youngest Entrepreneur in Australia 澳洲女童學繪畫1個月‧賣畫賺3千
The Pacific Daily: 祖籍广东 悉尼华裔3岁小女孩学画1个月成才
27 April 2016 Manly Daily: Being Small Hasn't Stopped Cassie Making It Big
News Local (Daily Telegraph): Tot has sold more than 20 paintings and made $1000 — despite only picking up a brush last month
Kyrgyzkorm: 3-летняя девочка рисует удивительные, красочные картины Кыргызкорм
재미나는 세상: 로 천재! 3 살짜리 소녀가 그리는 그림이 반짝이는 은하처럼!
FSHOKE: Трирічна дівчинка малює дивовижні, барвисті картини
Femina: Nem hiszed el, miket fest ez a 3 éves kislány: ezzel a fura eszközzel alkot
Pararium: 3歳の女の子による独特な銀河の世界を描いた才能溢れるアート作品
Design You Trust: 3-Year-Old Little Girl Creates Paintings Of Galaxies Using Paint, Glitter And A Fork
Bored Panda: My 3-Year-Old Creates Paintings Of Galaxies Using Paint, Glitter And A Fork